One reason people choose to run their own business is so they can choose when and how to work. It’s certainly a big benefit of being your own boss. But it also means you have to be focussed and you have to plan ahead.

Now, this has not been a very straightforward year has it? So planning for holidays might have gone out the window. With just 40 days to go until Christmas Day, let us share some top tips and reminders with you to help you make the most of the holidays and take what is likely to be a much-needed break!

What you will take away from reading this article

  • Tips to help you be more productive in work
  • Tips to take a much-needed break
  • Ideas to help you make the most of that break

Working 9 to 5 seems like a distant memory

You’ve probably realised by now that being your own boss often means working harder than you’ve ever worked before and this often means more hours than a typical 9 to 5 job.

This can make it feel difficult to switch off and take a break.

Some of you might be consumed with guilt at the thought of walking away from your business and your team, even just for a weekend. 

But taking a break is vital for you and your business. If you’re easily working more than 55 hours per week did you know you’re also increasing your chance of having a stroke by 33% (source: Guardian).

Taking care of yourself is taking care of business

Mental health, clarity and focus are must-haves for business owners that want to succeed. We’re all guilty of putting everything and everyone else’s needs before our own. But, taking care of yourself is taking care of business. And it all starts by taking some much-needed time out.

Before we look at how to take that time off work, let’s ease in gently by looking at some other ways to be more mindful of your wellbeing whilst still working.

Have you heard of the rule of 52 and 17? This is a great rule to use to increase your productivity and get some perspective and boost your creativity on those desk-based tasks.

A study using a DeskTime app, proved that those who worked for 52 minutes followed by a 17-minute break were more productive. The lesson from this study showed that working smarter with frequent breaks was key.

So, before we give you some top tips to help you take a break as a business owner, first, take a look at the way you work. Are you simply jumping from one task into the next and the day becomes a blur? Can you be smarter with your time?

Top tips to take a break as a business owner

Ok, so there are only 40 days until Christmas Day. It’s been a tough year for some, a year of opportunities for others. Either way, planning for holidays has been precarious at best.

Whether it’s a breakaway or simply time out at home with the family, here are some top tips to help you as a business owner to take a break…

Delegate and trust

You’ve made the leap from employee to self-employed, possibly to a manager and business owner. But many get stuck in the mindset of being self-employed and struggle with delegation.

Taking a break is the perfect opportunity to try out your new status as a business owner. Put trust in your team and delegate.

If you don’t have a team around you then fear not! There are 5.4m sole trader/business owners in the UK and that market is full of very capable of freelancers who are on hand to help.

For example, there are virtual personal assistants who are task-orientated individuals. They can keep your social media going, answer emails, finish organising that event or simply make sure the business ticks over in your absence whilst flagging up any urgent requests.

Automate and test

Despite some assuming the robots will take over, technology is our friend and our assistant when we need to switch off. Use technology to automate parts of your business but remember to test the functionality first. 

For example, schedule those social media posts and those email newsletters or automate replies to emails and postal services.

We know this year is harder than most for some so if delegating or hiring temporary help is not possible then consider reaching out to your network.

Could you swap a product or service in exchange for support whilst you take a break? It can be lonely being self-employed and this year more than ever, we need to come together as a community.

Plan around the quiet periods

When does business go quiet for you? That’s the best time to consider a break. Taking a break during those quiet seasons will also give you an opportunity to think strategically about the next quarter or year ahead.

Set boundaries

As a business owner, do you ever fully switch off? If you find it hard to take a break then at least set some boundaries for yourself.

65% of people admitted to checking their emails whilst on holiday according to this study.

If you like to check in then schedule that time so it doesn’t end up eating into your much needed time away. Be strict with yourself when you can check those emails or social media and don’t look at it any other time.

Plan for the unexpected

However your business will run without you make sure you have processes documented and plan for the unexpected. Make sure everyone is clear about the steps so you don’t have to be disturbed whilst taking a break.

Let clients know

Is the shop or office closing for a period? Will the phones and emails be answered or redirected? Keep your clients in the loop so they don’t worry about the service you provide and let them know about any alternative arrangements you might have in place.

Enjoy it

And finally, enjoy that break – you deserve it. 

How do you take a break as a business owner? Do you have any top tips to share? Come and join our community on Facebook 

We will be sharing tips to help you get the most out of that much-needed break over the next 40 days.