ActionCOACH services used:  PlanningCLUB, GrowthCLUB, 121 Coaching

New Leaf Solicitors is owned by Amanda Weaver.  She started working with Matt because she was clear that she wanted to grow her business.  She’d always had the vision of what she wanted it to look like, but her skills lay in the law, not in building a business.

After working with Matt for eighteen months:

  • Turnover has nearly tripled
  • Profit has doubled
  • An employee has been recruited
  • An additional consultant has joined the team

“Matt filled me with confidence at our first meeting.  I had an idea of where I wanted to be, but he took the figures and just broke everything down, showing how many clients would be needed, so how many leads would be needed, who would need to be recruited etc.   PlanningCLUB broke it down even further.  I knew what I’d have to be doing every quarter over the next 5 years to achieve my goals.

Big goals

Working with Matt’s other clients at PlanningCLUB was really powerful for me. Some had been working with Matt for a while.  I thought that I was being over ambitious in what I wanted to achieve, but some of them had even bigger goals, and were well on their way to achieving them.  It made me really excited about what I was could achieve, and how quickly I could actually meet my goals.

If I hadn’t met Matt I would probably still just be focussing on the day to day work that I set my business up to do in the first place.  Now, however, I still deliver great client work, but am also able to focus on where the business is going too, and the work I have to do to achieve my own goals.

I know where I’m going, and how I’m going to get there

My mind-set has totally changed.  I see things in a more process driven way.  When I want to achieve something, I work backwards and identify all of the tasks I’ll need to do along the way.  Sometimes, achieving one thing might mean tweaking three other things to get there.  Often, it’s knowing which things to tweak.   And that’s where Matt’s so great, because he’ll always help me work it out.  And because I’ve talked about it and planned it, I actually get stuff done.

It’s not rocket science

My goals are bigger now too.  For example, I was never intending to have an employed member of staff, but I realised that I needed someone in that position if I was going to achieve goals on the plan.  It’s about investing in my business, just like the coaching.  If I’m going to earn £10k as a result of investing £1k, it’s not rocket science to realise it’s a good thing to do.  I wish I’d met Matt earlier – I’d be even closer to achieving my goals!”