Building a successful business is like climbing a ladder – every rung you climb takes you closer to the top. But that ladder can look like a very long one, stretching out up to the sky, and bringing you out above the clouds. Without planning your climb, it’s easy to understand why so few people make it to the top.
Some barely ever make it off the bottom rung. Most hang on for dear life, somewhere around the middle – either happy that their view is better than most, or desperate to move towards the top, but too scared to step up to the next rung in case they fall. For those who make it all the way to the top, however, the view is amazing.
So how does this translate for your business?
The bottom of the ladder
Some people never get time to climb the ladder. If you’re spending all of your time firefighting and focussing on the here and how of your business,this is where you probably find yourself. If you haven’t planned how and when you’re going to climb up the ladder, you’re never going to take your business to the top.
The top rung dream
It’s all very well dreaming about the view from the top rung, imagining what you’ll see and how life will be once you get there, but dreams need a plan behind them if you’re actually going to see them come to fruitition.
Climbing the ladder
If you’re going to make it all the way, you need to have that vision of the view from the top rung, because that’s what will motivate you. And you need to start at the bottom, as the sort of person who can get stuff done, because that’s a necessary part of business.
What makes the difference is planning how you’re going to make that climb. Planning your climb will allow you to set up every rung on that ladder with confidence.
The ability to plan WHO does WHAT and WHEN is critical to reaching the heights of true business success. So you need to start planning. You can’t just take one step and get to the top, you have to plan one rung at a time.
This is what we do at ActionCOACH. We work with business owners, helping them to create and execute the plans that will move them towards the top of that ladder – one rung at a time.
Planning your climb.
Long term goals
What do you want to see when you get to the top the ladder? This vision is important. Every action you take, and every plan you produce should be aiming to get you to this point.
5 and 3 year goals
Once you know what your end goal is, you need to work backwards to work out the key things you need to get you there. What key things will you need to achieve in 3 years and in 5 years to know that you’re on track to get to your long term goal on time?
1 year goals
Planning the next year is key. It’s a timeframe that has enough urgency to really make us think about what we have to do, but still gives us enough time to achieve big things.
When we’re planning for the year ahead, it’s important to get commitment on every level.
Why? What’s the PURPOSE of this goal? How does it contribute to making the vision real?
What? What does the business have to DO to make the goal happen?
Who? Who DO we, the business owner, team and business, have to BE or BECOME to achieve the goal