A lot of people are put off working with a business coach because they don’t like the idea of someone coming in to their business and telling them how to run it, particularly if the business coach they’re talking to has no experience in their particular industry.

Would it help if I tell you that’s not what I do?

I’m not going to tell you how to run your business

Think of it from a sports perspective.  I’m sure Andy Murray’s coach doesn’t tell him how to play tennis.  Andy knows how to play tennis.  He’s been doing it for years, and has been pretty successful.

What his coach does, however, is look at his performance objectively.  Looking from the outside in, he can see when a minor teak to Andy’s backhand form has a major impact on the resultant shot, and he will make sure that Andy tweaks his form consistently until it just becomes the way he makes his backhand shot.

Ten minor tweaks later, and Andy’s game is better than ever.

Sure, Andy could probably have made the same improvements himself, but think about how.  He’d probably have to video every game, then sit down and watch all of the games, comparing and contrasting his performance, to event identify the necessary tweak.  Then he’d have to video every further game, making sure he was applying the tweak consistently, probably kicking himself when he could see that he wasn’t.

Imagine how much longer that would take.

No matter how good a tennis player he is, it’s unlikely he’d have had the career he has without his coach.

It’s exactly the same in the business world.  You know your industry, your products and your services inside out.  But I concentrate on the fundamental busines growth techniques that help a business become even more successful, and am here to help business owners like you apply them consistently to achieve your goals as quickly and effectively as possible.

I know that the techniques work.  ActionCOACHES around the world have been using them to help busines owners achieve great success for years.

Find out more about how I could help you with your business growth, just give me a call on 01788 297 004.